Friday, September 9, 2011

Louis Handbags

Said Robert Polet Polet, Gucci will not make any broad sweeping change in tactics to deal with the crisis, preferring instead to go with the less reactive way, he said, may need to make some adjustments, because it still makes good business sense to monitor the situation.
"Let me reiterate the importance of stick to your strategy, because the focus on brand strategy, a more long-term strategy, you manage a long life or longevity of the brand, so you do not brush them about every quarter or every year or every two years, sorting, "Polet said:" This is a come hell or high water, I would say, but you know what, times change, there are some things you need to adapt to, and in the short term - to change you tactics. "
He said, for example, if a company's growth is cut in half, which is technically still growing, but profits are significantly reduced. "So, you adjust, if you are wise, your capital expenditures and the management of your business, (but) always stick to the essence of the brand and long-term strategy."
Polet's approach seems a success. When he joined Gucci in 2004, he GUCCI directory ambitious plan to double in seven years, the company's revenue and gross margin increased to 70%. He said he has delivered on these two issues, he is why he chose this moment to be optimistic.
"Now this, of course, it gives us a more advantageous position, because profitability in the past four years has almost tripled in absolute terms, it gives you a fantastic starting point to inspire their own wind."
, Especially in New York City's most famous shopping street in New York City Fifth Avenue 57 Street retail district, giving a feeling of respect, one can see the wave Randolph - Goodman and Tiffany. However, such a feeling of respect and brought is accompanied by high rents: wave Randolph - Goodman and Tiffany are in the world's most expensive luxury retailer's business district.
Available space, while the demand is very strong, so even in other areas of commercial and residential real estate market is close to collapse, these and other luxury retail rent per square foot area is still high.
Gucci handbags, Coach handbags, Chanel handbags, Louis bags, your favorite. Whether you like Chanel bag or a Louis bag, no matter.

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